iW Database
Monster Skill Details
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Deleter (Ground)
  Skill Target Chance Cast Delay Emote Condition / Mode Change
  Lv 1 Emotion 20% -- 5 seconds /an Changes back to its normal mode
Lv 5 Fire Wall Player 5% 0.5 seconds 5 seconds --
Lv 3 Fire Attack Player 5% 0.5 seconds 5 seconds /an --
  Lv 1 Emotion 2% -- 5 seconds /swt2 Changes to passive mode
Lv 5 Fire Wall Player 5% 0.5 seconds 5 seconds --
Lv 3 Fire Attack Player 5% 0.5 seconds 5 seconds /an --
Lv 9 Magnum Break 5% 0.5 seconds 5 seconds --