iW Database
Item Info
A very light, non-toxic metal used for refining and toughening Armor.
Type Misc
Subtype Ore
Weight 20
Buy Shop Yes
Required Level 0
NPC Prices
Buying Price --
Selling Price 550 Z (682 Z)
Guild Treasure Drops
Castle Rate
Common 72.75%
Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount
Help Mr. Zabaroo Quest × 3 Overlook Dungeon Quests ??
Monster Drops
Lv Monster Rate Highest Spawn Element 95% Flee 100% Hit
137 Hardrock Mammoth 90.00% 1 at Manuk Field 03 Earth 3 504 403
81 Baphomet 54.32% 1 at Labyrinth Forest 3 Shadow 3 437 406
138 Fallen Bishop 54.32% 1 at Cursed Monastery 2 Shadow 2 581 503
147 Beelzebub (True Form) 54.32% 1 at Central Laboratory Ghost 4 644 583
80 Lady Tanee 50.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Wind 3 490 388
50 Orc Hero 45.60% 1 at Central Laboratory Earth 2 364 332
92 Stormy Knight 45.60% 1 at Toy Factory 2 Wind 4 467 457
55 Orc Lord 42.69% 1 at Central Laboratory Earth 4 380 350
78 Mistress 42.69% 1 at Mt. Mjolnir 04 Wind 4 420 464
98 Hatii 39.78% 1 at Lutie Field Water 4 443 451
69 Amon Ra 38.81% 1 at Pyramid B2F Earth 3 340 358
145 Amon Ra (Nightmare) 38.00% 1 at Underground 2nd Floor Earth 3 416 434
77 Doppelganger 36.87% 1 at Geffen Dungeon 3 Shadow 3 450 399
55 Maya 35.00% 1 at Ant Hell 2 Earth 4 317 327
100 Samurai Specter 35.00% 1 at Amatsu Dungeon 3 Shadow 3 456 461
91 Drake 32.00% 1 at Sunken Ship 2 Undead 1 423 394
160 Immortal Cursed Knight 32.00% 1 at Sky Fortress - Secret Room Shadow 4 467 419
160 Immortal Wind Ghost 32.00% 1 at Sky Fortress - Secret Room Wind 3 432 387
71 Phreeoni 29.00% 1 at Sograt Desert 17 Neutral 3 363 341
79 Moonlight Flower 26.00% 1 at Payon Cave 5 Fire 3 406 381
65 Eddga 23.00% 1 at Payon Forest 10 Fire 1 374 345
65 Golden Thief Bug 20.00% 1 at Prontera Culvert 4 Fire 2 375 342
85 Banaspaty 15.00% 50 at Dewata Dungeon 02 Fire 3 334 363
93 Boitata 10.00% 1 at Brasilis Dungeon 2 Fire 3 383 392
160 Stefan.J.E.Wolf 10.00% 1 at Sky Fortress - Top Floor Undead 4 434 385
79 Cat O' Nine Tails 6.00% 15 at Endless Tower 01F ~ 25F Fire 3 328 354
116 Bloody Knight 4.34% 40 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Shadow 4 423 375
132 Elusive Incarnation of Morroc 4.00% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Shadow 1 -- 423
132 Furious Incarnation of Morroc 4.00% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Shadow 1 -- 450
132 Swift Incarnation of Morroc 4.00% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Shadow 1 -- 423
122 Abysmal Knight 3.70% 55 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Shadow 4 428 377
119 Archdam 2.00% 40 at Juperos Ruins Center Neutral 3 381 383
118 Khalitzburg 1.92% 40 at Endless Tower 101F Undead 1 413 366
68 Stalactic Golem 1.64% 65 at Beach Dungeon 2 Neutral 4 307 315
81 Clock 1.64% 40 at Clock Tower 2F Earth 2 348 305
132 Incarnation of Morocc (Angel) 1.61% 60 at Sograt Desert 22 Shadow 1 416 423
133 Incarnation of Morocc (Human) 1.61% 60 at Sograt Desert 22 Undead 3 450 392
89 Zombie Prisoner 1.13% 30 at Glast Heim Underprison 1 Undead 3 341 328
82 Raydric Archer 1.07% 20 at Glast Heim 2F Shadow 2 386 306
115 Raydric 1.07% 60 at Glast Heim Chivalry 1 Shadow 2 391 402
25 Giant Eggring 1.00% 1 at Lasagna Dungeon 1 Earth 3 263 237
91 Teddy Bear 1.00% 120 at Einbroch Field 03 Neutral 3 343 372
109 Loli Ruri 1.00% 21 at Niflheim Field 02 Shadow 4 374 359
140 Combat Basilisk (Red) 1.00% 60 at Lasagna Dungeon 2 Earth 2 310 340
141 Celia Alde 1.00% 81 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Ghost 3 432 440
141 Gertie 1.00% 57 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Poison 4 522 466
141 Randel Lawrence 1.00% 42 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Holy 3 496 415
142 Trentini 1.00% 42 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Wind 3 407 423
144 Jungle Madragora 1.00% 30 at Lasagna Dungeon 2 Earth 3 314 344
65 Megalith 0.62% 15 at Beach Dungeon 2 Neutral 4 334 279
79 Petite (Sky) 0.62% 150 at Geffen Field 08 Wind 1 335 318
48 Choco 0.54% 10 at Umbala Field 04 Fire 1 260 293
97 Obsidian 0.51% 40 at Einbech Dungeon 2 Earth 2 331 335
135 Corrupted Palace Guard 0.51% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Shadow 2 411 422
136 Wandering Archer 0.51% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Shadow 2 462 360
140 Suffering Khalitzburg 0.51% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Undead 1 415 482
98 Nereid 0.38% 20 at Beach Dungeon 1 Earth 1 351 343
63 Jakk 0.32% 40 at Geffen Dungeon 2 Fire 2 294 306
110 Ice Titan 0.31% 73 at Ice Cave 3 Water 3 374 364
106 Gazeti 0.21% 42 at Ice Cave 3 Water 1 392 343
124 Seeker 0.21% 40 at Holy Ground 3 Wind 3 470 414
87 Yao Jun 0.11% 40 at Louyang Dungeon 2 Undead 2 339 325
106 Beholder Master 0.11% 17 at Guild Dungeon: Valfreyja Wind 2 359 373
112 Aliot 0.11% 25 at Robot Factory 2F Neutral 3 389 368
113 Venatu (Blue) 0.11% 50 at Juperos Ruins 01 Water 2 384 382
113 Venatu (Green) 0.11% 70 at Juperos Ruins 01 Wind 2 420 386
113 Venatu (Orange) 0.11% 70 at Juperos Ruins 01 Earth 2 380 363
113 Venatu (Purple) 0.11% 70 at Juperos Ruins 01 Neutral 2 367 367
115 Alicel 0.11% 30 at Robot Factory 2F Neutral 3 387 368
120 Beholder 0.11% 20 at Endless Tower 26F ~ 50F Wind 2 422 402
121 Bungisngis 0.11% 40 at Malaya Field 02 Earth 2 365 353
125 Uni-horn Scaraba Egg 0.11% 15 at Kamidal Tunnel Neutral 1 -- 326
126 Horn Scaraba Egg 0.11% 15 at Kamidal Tunnel Neutral 1 -- 327
127 Antler Scaraba Egg 0.11% 15 at Scaraba Hall 2F Neutral 1 -- 328
128 Rake Horn Scaraba Egg 0.11% 15 at Scaraba Hall 2F Neutral 1 -- 329
115 Zakudam 0.09% 20 at Guild Dungeon: Nidhoggur Neutral 2 377 381
119 Dragon Egg 0.06% 40 at Hugel Field 01 Neutral 2 -- 378
121 Apocalipse 0.06% 70 at Juperos Ruins 02 Neutral 3 416 374
121 Hell Apocalypse 0.06% 20 at Guild Dungeon: Nidhoggur Neutral 3 416 383
96 Dark Lord 0.03% 1 at Glast Heim Churchyard Undead 4 459 432
110 Upgraded Heart Hunter 0.00% (Unknown) Shadow 2 280 310