iW Database
Item Info
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine.
Type Misc
Subtype General
Weight 3
Buy Shop No
Required Level 0
NPC Prices
Buying Price --
Selling Price 200 Z (248 Z)
Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount
Rogue Guild Investigation Quest × 2 Z-Gang Quest × 2
Monster Drops
Lv Monster Rate Highest Spawn Element 95% Flee 100% Hit
27 Toad 1.00% 1 at Comodo Field 03 Water 1 221 246
40 Furious Plankton 1.00% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Water 3 -- 308
1 Black Mushroom 0.51% Geffen Field 11 Earth 1 -- 201
1 Red Mushroom 0.51% Prontera Field 10 Earth 1 -- 201
66 Horong 0.51% 30 at Payon Cave 5 Fire 4 298 298
155 Faithful Manager 0.26% 3 at Bifrost Tower 3 Neutral 4 413 383
40 Aged Plankton 0.09% 65 at Overlook Water Dungeon 01 Water 3 245 293
98 Kaho 0.06% 20 at Juno Norgroad Floor 1 Fire 4 347 359
40 Plankton 0.05% 65 at Undersea Tunnel 1 Water 3 245 293