iW Database
Item Info
Singing Flower
A flower that has been miraculously blessed with the gift of song. Rocker is inexplicably drawn to its sweet melodies.
Type Usable
Subtype Pet Tame
Weight 5
Buy Shop Yes
Required Level 1
NPC Prices
Buying Price --
Selling Price 150 Z (186 Z)
Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount
Dokebi Battle Quest × 1
Monster Drops
Lv Monster Rate Highest Spawn Element 95% Flee 100% Hit
105 Elusive Muscipular 5.00% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Earth 1 -- 365
84 Mavka 3.00% 15 at Moscovia Dungeon 3 Earth 3 351 315
59 Flora 0.21% 70 at Comodo Field 03 Earth 1 275 288
105 Muscipular 0.03% 100 at Veins Field 02 Earth 1 347 365