iW Database
Item Info
Old Purple Box
An old purple box holding contents that are a mystery until it is opened.
  • Gives a random weapon, gear, useable or misc item.
Type Usable
Subtype Item Giver
Weight 20
Buy Shop Yes
Required Level 1
NPC Prices
Buying Price --
Selling Price 5,000 Z (6,200 Z)
Guild Treasure Drops
Castle Rate
Common ??
Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount Quest Name Amount
VIP MVP Summoner × 2
Crow of Destiny Quest × 1 Finding The Moving Island Quest × 1 Help Out the Old Man × 1
Lost Child Quest × 1 New Surroundings × 1 Nurse in Port Malaya × 1
President Quest × 1 Rebellion Quest × 1 Unlucky Emerald Quest × 1
Monster Drops
Lv Monster Rate Highest Spawn Element 95% Flee 100% Hit
150 Amdarais 100.00% 1 at Old Glast Heim Chivalry 2nd floor Undead 4 486 389
150 Corruption Root 100.00% 1 at Old Glast Heim Chivalry 1st floor Earth 3 521 370
160 Sniper Cecil (MVP) 90.00% 1 at Wolfchev's Lab Wind 4 794 618
98 Ktullanux 50.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Water 4 480 424
113 Atroce 50.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Shadow 3 496 478
138 Elvira 50.00% 1 at Hall of Abyss: Luina ?? ?? ??
92 Stormy Knight 40.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Wind 4 467 457
97 Gopinich 40.00% 1 at Moscovia Dungeon 3 Earth 3 449 399
99 King of the Alley 40.00% Guild Dungeon Fire 4 472 493
99 The Last One 40.00% Guild Dungeon Fire 4 429 447
97 White Lady 30.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Wind 3 513 541
125 Kiel-D-01 30.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Shadow 2 574 512
141 Angry Student Pyuriel 30.00% 1 at Hall of Abyss: Valkyrie Fire 4 712 472
142 General Daehyon 30.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Earth 3 529 465
146 Gioia 30.00% 1 at Hall of Abyss: Luina Wind 4 615 547
94 Leak 25.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Shadow 2 450 419
68 Osiris 20.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Undead 4 403 367
80 Lady Tanee 20.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Wind 3 490 388
56 Elusive Mimic 15.00% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Neutral 3 -- 376
56 Furious Mimic 15.00% (Unknown) Neutral 3 -- 412
55 Orc Lord 10.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Earth 4 380 350
95 Wild Rider 10.00% 1 at Malangdo Dungeon 01 Water 2 -- 419
100 RSX 0806 10.00% 1 at Central Laboratory Neutral 3 468 443
128 Vesper 10.00% 1 at Juperos Ruins Center Holy 2 553 523
110 Heart Hunter Ebel 5.00% 1 at Heart Hunter War Base Shadow 2 520 380
110 Venomous Chimera 5.00% 1 at Werner Laboratory Poison 4 530 385
120 Pet child 5.00% 1 at Werner Laboratory Central Room Shadow 3 530 390
141 Chen Lio 1.00% 42 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Water 4 512 422
141 Flamel Emure 1.00% 42 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Fire 3 458 419
141 Gertie 1.00% 57 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Poison 4 522 466
141 Randel Lawrence 1.00% 42 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Holy 3 496 415
141 Valkyrie 1.00% 10 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Holy 4 712 472
142 Alphoccio 1.00% 42 at Lighthalzen Dungeon 4 Wind 3 393 439
140 Combat Basilisk (Red) 0.81% 60 at Lasagna Dungeon 2 Earth 2 310 340
144 Jungle Madragora 0.81% 30 at Lasagna Dungeon 2 Earth 3 314 344
150 Fruit Pom Spider 0.81% 60 at Lasagna Dungeon 3 Earth 3 320 350
143 Cursed Box 0.11% 9 at Nightmare Clock Tower, 3nd Floor Neutral 3 526 505
160 Assassin Cross Eremes (Ghost) 0.11% 2 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Poison 4 668 698
160 High Priest Margaretha (Ghost) 0.11% 2 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Holy 4 563 510
160 High Wizard Kathryne (Ghost) 0.11% 2 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Ghost 3 629 550
160 Lord Knight Seyren (Ghost) 0.11% 2 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Fire 4 597 525
160 Master Smith Howard (Ghost) 0.11% 2 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Earth 4 596 508
160 Sniper Cecil (Ghost) 0.11% 2 at Endless Tower 76F ~ 99F Wind 4 794 618
56 Mimic 0.06% 30 at Thanatos Tower 02F Neutral 3 335 376
130 Gold One-Horn Scaraba 0.06% 30 at Scaraba Hall 3F Earth 1 421 439
137 Mimic (Nightmare) 0.06% 30 at Underground 2nd Floor Neutral 3 368 517
65 Megalith 0.02% 15 at Beach Dungeon 2 Neutral 4 334 279
79 Cat O' Nine Tails 0.02% 15 at Endless Tower 01F ~ 25F Fire 3 328 354
112 Ancient Mimic 0.02% 80 at Thanatos Tower 02F Neutral 3 423 382
115 Octopot ?? 30 at Undersea Tunnel 6 Water 2 399 369