iW Database
Item Info
Maneater Blossom
A carnivorous flower with a digestive system very much like the humans.
Type Misc
Subtype General
Weight 1
Buy Shop Yes
Required Level 0
NPC Prices
Buying Price --
Selling Price 98 Z (121 Z)
Monster Drops
Lv Monster Rate Highest Spawn Element 95% Flee 100% Hit
59 Flora 90.00% 70 at Comodo Field 01 Earth 1 275 288
105 Elusive Muscipular 75.00% (Doesn't spawn on any map) Earth 1 -- 365
73 Geographer 62.00% 120 at Juno Field 06 Earth 3 315 299
90 Hermit Plant 48.00% 20 at Kunlun Dungeon 3 Fire 2 351 341
105 Muscipular 30.00% 100 at Veins Field 02 Earth 1 347 365
101 Drosera 20.00% 100 at Veins Field 02 Earth 1 365 333